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General Terms and Conditions for RaumSchaffen Coaching & Counseling
– Owner: Karin Hutter
§ 1 Scope
The following general terms and conditions apply to all legal transactions between clients and Karin Hutter, Raumschaffen Coaching & Beratung and in the version valid at the time the contract was concluded. These terms and conditions are deemed to have been agreed with the assignment of any kind if the client does not object to them immediately. Deviating provisions of the client will not be recognized unless the counselor expressly agrees to them.
§ 2 Subject of the contract
The client takes advantage of psychological counseling (coaching) with Karin Hutter. Both jointly define the concern of the consultation. The joint work includes discussions and, if desired, working models and methods from the Internal Family Systems, NLP, Client Centered & Systemic interviewing, Brainspotting and similar methods from coaching and counseling. The counseling serves, for example, to find goals, activate resources, cope with stress, performance coaching, emotional coaching, overcoming psychosocial problems and to support the client in the professional and private realignment of the client. In order to achieve these goals, the counselor uses multimodal counseling procedures based on recognized scientific methods: including depth psychological, systemic, behavioral therapy, neuropsychological and humanistic counseling, coaching and therapy methods. Psychotherapy is expressly excluded and should not / cannot be replaced by the offer offered here.
§ 3 Counseling/Coaching Success
The counselor cannot guarantee the desired or planned success or the achievement of set goals in the joint work. However, both parties - especially the client - work to the best of their knowledge and by using the available resources and their own skills to ensure that the counseling is successful.
§ 4 Duration of the consultation
The duration of the consultation is agreed verbally by the client and the counselor.
§ 5 Confidentiality
The counselor undertakes to maintain confidentiality towards third parties. A release from this duty of confidentiality may only take place if the client gives his/her written consent. However, the duty of confidentiality does not apply to the prevention or prosecution of suspected criminal offenses or to the protection of higher legal interests and does not include the right to refuse to give evidence, which would come into force in the case of psychotherapy or medical treatment. If the counselor fears for the life of the client or a person involved, she can inform the relevant authorities in order to remedy the situation.
§ 6 state of health
The client assures that he/she does not suffer from any illness that impairs his/her legal capacity or that currently prevents counseling (coaching) for medical-psychological reasons.
§ 7 Advice/Coaching Exclusion
If the counselor gets the impression during the counseling session that the client is showing psychiatric abnormalities or is confused, the counseling session can be broken off with a request to the client to seek appropriate treatment. The counselor will also turn away those seeking advice who are under the influence of alcohol and/or whose questions are based on criminal offences. The consultation is terminated immediately if the customer makes religious, sexist, racist statements and insults.
§ 8 Fees
The client pays the consultation costs in advance via the online booking platform - or immediately after the consultation after having received the invoice. Here the client can choose from the options of cash payment, PayPal and bank transfer. If the consultation takes place on the client's premises or at another location of the client's choice, additional costs will be incurred for travel to and from the location per prorated hour. 25 € per started hour will be charged. The fees and services correspond to the stated rates, please refer to the presentation on the homepage for the relevant information. The client receives an invoice. However, the obligation to pay also exists if the client has accidentally not received an invoice or partial invoice. The agreed amount is payable to:
Karin Hutter, IBAN: DE18255514800484602172, BIC: NOLADE21SHG, Sparkasse Schaumburg.
§ 9 Place of consultation
The coaching and consulting appointments take place virtually without further agreement and on site by appointment. In the case of coaching on a video conference platform or other online collaboration platforms, the counselor assumes no liability for the functionality and availability of the technical platforms made available. If the coaching cannot take place due to connection problems on the client's side, the planned unit will be charged. If the failure is due to the counselor's connection problems, the planned unit will be made up for at a different time. If the client prefers to arrange a physical meeting directly with the counselor, he/she can arrange this individually. If the counselor travels there, additional travel costs may arise. These are not included in the price. A recording of virtual coaching is not permitted without the prior consent of the contractor. The counselor reserves the right to postpone consultation appointments that have already been agreed before the planned appointment for important reasons for which we are not responsible (e.g. sudden illness of the coach, force majeure).
§ 10 Appointments and Cancellation Fee
The appointments booked via the website and made by mutual agreement are binding. The counselor undertakes to keep the agreed appointments free for the client. If a client misses an agreed appointment without having canceled at least 48 hours in advance, the counselor is entitled according to §615 BGB to the client a cancellation fee of 50% of the agreed/paid consulting fee and, if necessary, reimbursement of the Travel and time costs to be charged. If the client stays away from the appointment without an excuse, the full consultation fee is due. This obligation to pay does not apply if the consultation appointment has been canceled in advance in writing or by telephone or has to be canceled at short notice due to a serious event. In this case, too, the client must inform the counselor of the failure at an early stage and, if necessary, provide appropriate proof.
§ 11 Right of withdrawal
If the coaching contract was concluded by booking online, by e-mail or by telephone, it is a so-called distance contract. In this case, the client has the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The cancellation period is fourteen days from the day the contract was concluded. In order to exercise their right of withdrawal, the client must
*RaumSchaffen Coaching & Beratung, Karin Hutter, Sackmannstraße 20, 30453 Hanover, phone: +49 162 922 83 03, e-mail:*
by means of a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or by e-mail) of his/her decision to withdraw from this contract. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient to send the communication regarding the exercise of the right of cancellation before the cancellation period has expired. Consequences of revocation: If the client revokes this contract, the counselor must repay all payments to the client immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which the counselor received notification of the revocation of this contract. The same means of payment used in the original transaction will be used for this repayment, unless expressly agreed otherwise; under no circumstances will THE client be charged fees for this repayment. If a part of the service (e.g. in the form of a complete coaching unit) has already been used, the right of withdrawal expires.
§ 12 Place of Jurisdiction, Liability, Personal Responsibility
The place of jurisdiction is the registered office of the consulting practice (Hanover). Karin Hutter (owner) is only liable to the client for any damage allegedly or actually arising from the consultation up to the amount of the consultation fee paid. The client is willing to take responsibility for his/her actions and undertakes to inform the counselor about actions with far-reaching consequences and to discuss them with her in advance.
§ 13 Statement on handling data/data protection
The protection of personal data is taken very seriously, the client is asked to take note of the additional data protection declaration, which is part of the contract. Clients data will not be shared with third parties. The client can object to the use in writing at any time. If the client would like further information, he/she can always find it under the data protection tab on the website
§ 14 Miscellaneous
Should individual provisions of the consulting contract or the general terms and conditions be or become invalid or void, the effectiveness of the consulting contract as a whole will not be affected. Rather, the invalid or void provision is to be freely interpreted and replaced by a provision that comes closest to the purpose of the contract or the will of the parties.
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